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“Kakato® Animal Furdel Awards 2023” Winners

The “Kakato®Animal Furdel Awards” aims to recognize cats and dogs that have a positive impact and individuals who have made significant contributions towards animals. We hope to encourage more people to pay attention to animal adoption and to build a harmonious society where humans and pets can coexist.

Every vote counts! Vote for your best Furdel


Praise for every life story.
Embrace every animal being.
Treasure every encounter.


The “Kakato® Animal Furdel Awards” aims to recognize cats and dogs that have a positive impact and individuals who have made significant contributions towards animals. We hope to encourage more people to pay attention to animal adoption and to build a harmonious society where humans and pets can coexist.

2023 年度貓模

2023 年度狗模

2023 年度毛孩天使

Shelter:Rescue Centre For Abandoned Pets (RCAP)
Age:6 years old
Personality:Brave, resilient

Three-legged Unyielding Warrior: Overcoming Poisoning and Fractures
Ching Wong is a six-year-old dog who has spent most of his life on a construction site in Tsing Yi, working as a guard dog. Despite his youthful prime, fate has thrown him a series of heart-wrenching challenges.

A few years ago, a cruel individual attempted to poison him, but miraculously, he managed to escape death's cold embrace. Just last year, a car accident severely injured his right leg, and despite receiving veterinary treatment, Ching Wong had to undergo amputation, tragically transforming him into a "three-legged dog". Undeterred, he returned to the construction site to continue his life.

Yet, fate had other plans. Only last week, a truck ran over his tail, and in excruciating pain, he vanished from sight. When he reappeared, unable to move, a kind-hearted soul called RCAP for help, hoping Ching Wong could receive timely medical treatment.

Racing against the clock, we rushed Ching Wong to the clinic. Upon examination, the doctor diagnosed him with tick-borne fever, end-stage kidney disease, and a fractured tail. Although his life hung in the balance, Ching Wong 's indomitable spirit shone through. Currently, he is still hospitalized, receiving intravenous fluids, medication, and antibiotics. Whether he is suitable for tail amputation surgery will be determined by the veterinarian in the next few days.

Ching Wong, a strong young warrior, has endured unimaginable pain, yet his life force remains unyielding. Let's all join to send our prayers and positive energy to Ching Wong, wishing him a swift recovery and the strength to overcome these trials.

Vote for me:
Hello everyone, I am Ching Wong. Although I only have three legs and a broken tail, and was once poisoned, I have never lost trust in humans. Thank you to the kind-hearted person who rescued me. Let us fight against adversity together!

Shelter:Home for homeless dog
Age:1 year old
Personality:Resilient, introverted, friendly, slow to warm up, attached to people, loves strolling, and has an incredible appetite

The Survivor: A Warrior of Life after a Car Accident
In October 2022, near Man Jai Crossing, a dog was suspected to have been tragically hit by a car and suffered severe injuries. In pain, he crawled to a nearby warehouse for help. When the workers arrived, they found him lying helplessly in a corner of the warehouse, covered in blood. Volunteers renamed the dog " Man Jai" and contacted several veterinary clinics, but no one was willing to treat him. A doctor examined him and suggested euthanasia, but he was eventually sent to the City University Animal Medical Centre at 3 AM that night, where it was confirmed that he had a fractured pelvis, displaced spine, multiple fractures, and ruptured testicles.

The next day, he was transferred to NPV, a non-profit veterinary clinic, for complex surgery. With the support and donations from kind-hearted people, Man Jai managed to survive the dangerous period. During his hospitalization, he underwent four major surgeries and was discharged a month later, embarking on the road to recovery. He was praised as the "strongest life warrior in the universe," and even the doctors marvelled at his miraculous recovery!

After receiving meticulous care, Man Jai’s recovery ability was astonishing. Now, he can control his bowel movements, walk and play normally, quickly adapt to family life, learn various commands, and regain his smile. Man Jai is undoubtedly a "survivor and a warrior of life after a car accident"!

Vote for me:
I am Man Jai. After surviving a severe car accident at Man Jai Crossing and undergoing four major surgeries, I miraculously survived. I hope my story can inspire everyone, and I hope you can vote for me as the "strongest life warrior in the universe"!

Shelter:Cat Welfare Society (Singapore)
Age:4 years old
Personality:Gee Gee is a sweet boy who cherishes his personal space, while Ah Bee is a spirited boy who loves to be in your personal space.

Whiskered Angels: Furry Friends to Lean On
Malcolm had always adored cats since he was young and would regularly help care for his friends' pets when they were away. Four years ago, while undergoing treatment for job burnout and depression, a friend suggested that Malcolm adopt a pet, as the companionship and routine might help lift his spirits.

After considering his lifestyle and necessary adjustments for a pet, Malcolm decided to adopt a cat with his family's consent. He began browsing through adoption listings from local animal welfare groups.

Learning from online sources that adopting a bonded pair of cats could help prevent boredom and minimize behavioral issues, Malcolm adopted both Ah Bee and Gee Gee when they were just three months old, encouraged by their fosterer.

The cats' profiles described their unique personalities – Gee Gee adored belly rubs, while Ah Bee was quite vocal around humans, often meowing for attention or treats. Their distinctive characters captivated Malcolm.

Although not biologically related, Ah Bee and Gee Gee first met at their fosterer's home. Ah Bee, rescued from a construction site, was initially resistant to human touch. Conversely, Gee Gee enjoyed his fosterer's attention and physical affection.

At first, Ah Bee was cautious and reluctant to accept Malcolm's touch but learned to embrace his affection after a month of observing his interactions with Gee Gee.

"Now, Ah Bee is a love bug and wants to be as close as possible to my mom and me, often seeking pets or cuddles," Malcolm shares. In fact, when visitors arrive, Ah Bee eagerly greets them at the door while Gee Gee hides!

The cats have been a great source of comfort for Malcolm, particularly during his recovery from job burnout and depression. "I was also seeing a counselor and psychiatrist, as well as attending support groups, but they gave me added motivation to get better."

Malcolm recalls a particularly difficult night when he woke up crying. Sensing his distress, Gee Gee approached and placed a comforting paw on his hand.

Vote for me:
Ah Bee and Gee Gee: "Not all angels have wings; some have whiskers, four legs, and a tail. Vote for us so we can continue to spread love and kindness to everyone."

Shelter:Home for Homeless Dog
Age:4 years old
Personality:Optimistic, cheerful, affectionate towards people and dogs, gentle and loves to cuddle, enjoys the feeling of the wind, catches flies with her mouth, loves belly rubs, and loves to sleep

Optimistic Struggle: Little Yellow's Three-legged Destiny
Amidst the trials of fate, brave and strong Little Yellow displays an unyielding spirit. Born with only three legs, she still maintains a brilliant smile. Bound by iron chains since childhood, unable to walk freely and with poor limb coordination, she also suffers from heartworm. However, after two months of treatment and care following her rescue, Little Yellow can now walk steadily, even able to walk for 30 minutes continuously!

Recalling two months ago, Little Yellow was always eager to explore the world but often fell. Every time she fell, she would look at us awkwardly, just like a child who made a mistake. Yet, she would quickly try to stand up again, continue forward, and never give up.

Little Yellow always has a bright smile, sharing hardships with her companions, never admitting defeat, and never caring about her disability. She was once rushed to the hospital due to the side effects of heartworm medication but still persisted through the difficult times. Little Yellow's resilience is admirable; although her body is not perfect, she has a perfect personality, always greeting people with a smile.


Vote for me:
Despite my imperfections, my optimism affects everyone around me. Showing strength in adversity is what we need to learn. Please support me!

Shelter:Kelly Animal Shelter (Kelly Animals Shelter)
Age:12 years old
Personality:Friendly, lively, curious, loves to be petted and groomed, enjoys walks

Brave One in the Dark: Dark Bro
"Dark Bro" is a cool and powerful name. It's hard to imagine from his name that Dark Bro used to live a humble life.

Dark Bro was once a stray. During his time as a stray, only a few volunteers fed him, and hardly anyone noticed his existence. One day, the friendly Dark Bro was unfortunately captured by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. The volunteers couldn't bear to see Dark Bro's life end like this, so they redeemed him from the department and placed him in a small dog shelter.

Just when everyone thought Dark Bro had found a place to live after surviving his ordeal, his fate was not that simple. After 8-9 months at the small dog shelter, some young and strong dogs arrived. Sadly, Dark Bro didn't get along with the new dogs and was bullied and bitten by them. The person in charge of the shelter at the time did not notice Dark Bro's severe injuries until March 2022 when they discovered multiple wounds on his right forearm and palm, infested with maggots, and sought help from various animal organizations. Eventually, KAS, his current shelter, took Dark Bro in, and the shelter owner, Kelly, quickly arranged for him to be treated at a veterinary clinic.

After the doctor's diagnosis, Dark Bro needed to undergo amputation surgery, or the rotting wounds would spread to other parts of his body, posing a life-threatening risk. To save his life, Dark Bro underwent the amputation surgery and became a three-legged dog. During his recovery and adapting to his new life, he needed a loving environment. Fortunately, a foster family was willing to take care of and love Dark Bro during that time, allowing his wounds to heal well!

Although Dark Bro recently returned to KAS due to the temporary foster family being unable to continue fostering animals, his optimistic attitude and warm smile still inject positive energy and hope into Kelly and the volunteers, who continue to care for the cats and dogs at the shelter and work hard to find them forever homes!

Vote for me:
"What's there to be afraid of with only three legs?" Although each step I take requires more effort than other dogs, it doesn't diminish my curiosity and optimism towards the world. I still love going for walks with one less leg, and I hope to feel the warmth of a home for the rest of my life.

In addition to wanting to be elected as the "Furdel Dog of the Year," I also hope to use this opportunity to let more people know about me and find a loving adoptive family! Haha! I hope my extraordinary experiences and life can bring you positive energy, encouraging other furry children and humans to live life positively. Can I get your vote?

Shelter:Hong Kong Saving Dogs and Cats Association
Age:7 years old
Personality:Accepting fate, understanding, and clear about love and hate Hobbies: Biting cardboard boxes, playing with plastic bags, loving catnip, singing while pooping

Love and Strength of a Paralyzed Cat
In Spring 2016, a scream was heard from a scrapyard in the New Territories. On the ground lay a sister who had become a little angel, and another frightened and discolored calico sister, collapsed on the ground.

Misfortune or great fortune? Although Kaylee was rescued, her spine was damaged, and she could only crawl with her hind legs dragging behind her. Worse, she couldn't control her bowel movements, leading to frequent bacterial infections and bladder inflammation. Who would adopt a cat that constantly needed long-term treatment and was often soiled with feces and urine?

At four months old, Kaylee joined the Hong Kong Rescue Cats and Dogs Association's big family. Over the years, with her big watery eyes, swift gliding steps, and ability to play with just one piece of cat litter all day long, she became the shelter's darling. Volunteers cherished her even more when the doctor initially diagnosed her with only a few years to live.

Don't underestimate a small paralyzed cat. Amidst the pandemic, Kaylee transformed into a big sister in her foster home, helping to care for the many orphaned kittens taken in by the association, accompanying them as they grew up and searched for adoptive homes. Having experienced hopeless treatment, Kaylee would sit quietly beside any cat in need of comfort, as if telling them, "Don't be sad, we'll meet again on the Rainbow Bridge, and you'll be an angel in peace!"

Kaylee accepts her fate and remains content. This spring, she safely celebrated her seventh birthday.

Vote for me:
Cherish: Though I'm a small cat, I'm born with purpose. I'm grateful and repay kindness by wholeheartedly caring for young and dying cats.

Treasure: Every life is precious. I'm physically disabled, but my spirit is not. Even in adversity, I strive to survive. Despite frequent visits to the clinic, receiving treatments, and taking medication every meal, I still live each day positively and happily.

Love: Over the years, I've been supported and understand the importance of passing on love, cherishing the volunteers and my fellow cats.

Please cherish, treasure, and love me – vote for Kaylee.

Loving Cat Tiny store Owner Devoted to Saving Cats, Inspiring "Love Needs to Be Timely" through Action
As an independent volunteer, Sumtin may have limited resources, but her love for animals has never waned. She is committed to rescuing and caring for sick, elderly, and abandoned cats, wholeheartedly striving to save these innocent lives. What she seeks is not repayment, but the chance to change the tragic fate of these animals and give them a happy life.

Many people may hesitate when it comes to saving animals, but Sumtin is determined to take action. Upon learning about a trapped cat reported by the Hong Kong Animal News, she immediately set out early the next morning with a cat cage and canned food, carrying heavy equipment and without hesitation, she went up the mountain to save the cat. After much effort, she successfully rescued the cat and took it to a veterinary clinic for examination. Sumtin then searched for adopters, hoping to find a loving home for the cat so they can live a happy life thereafter.

Sumtin mainly relies on her small shop (Facebook page "spicy_fishballs_pls") to support her cat rescue activities. She has devoted her energy, time, and money to save countless cats whose lives hang in the balance. She knows that love must be timely, as cats in the community often die due to late rescue efforts. She encourages everyone to spare a little time when encountering cats and dogs, as it might give the animals a chance at a new life. Despite her limited resources, she still willingly spends a lot of time and effort to save cats and provides them with a temporary home in her shop. This selfless spirit of helping animals is praiseworthy, and we hope Sumtin's passion for animals can inspire more people.

Vote for me:
We live in Hong Kong, where humans and animals should coexist peacefully. Let us not harm or abandon animals, and hope that everyone can work together in their respective roles to help those animals in need of love. The love for stray animals needs to be timely; let us join hands and make an effort together!

Shelter:Love Adopt Animal Society
Age:3 years old
Personality:Extremely well-behaved, very innocent, and adorable, everyone who meets her loves her

The Ruthless Animal Trap Couldn't Break Miley's Will
At the Love Adopt Animal Society in Hong Kong, there is a three-year-old dog named Miley. Not only is she extremely well-behaved, but she is also so pure and adorable that everyone who sees her falls in love with her. However, Miley's past wasn't as lovely.

Originally living in Yuen Long, she was a warehouse dog. If there were people working in the warehouse, she might get some food, but most of the time, she was just a stray dog that came when called. Due to people setting traps to catch animals nearby, one day before Christmas last year, she accidentally got her hind leg caught in a trap while wandering in the bushes. Miley's pain was indescribable, but since Christmas was a public holiday, even the people in the warehouse who took some care of her didn't know she was injured. After a few days of public holidays, by the time she was found, her injured hind leg had become icy cold. However, the warehouse staff couldn't afford the expensive surgery, so they contacted the Love Adopt Animal Society, wanting to have her euthanized.

But the Love Adopt Animal Society was determined to perform surgery for her. To save Miley's life, the veterinarian had to amputate her leg, hoping she could live a good life with only three legs in the future.

Although she lost a leg and was injured by a trap set by humans, Miley still had full trust in people and was very close to them. Even with one less leg, she could still face life's challenges with strength, still enjoying walks, going out, and meeting different people. She was working hard to adapt to her new life, learning to walk and jump with three legs, and continuously spreading her love to everyone she met.

Miley gradually got used to her life with three legs, regained her confidence, and met a new family willing to adopt her at the Love Adopt Animal Society. Since then, Miley started her new life, spending wonderful times with her new family. Miley's story inspired us, helping us understand that adversities in life can not only be overcome but can also make us stronger.

Vote for me:
"Although I've lost a leg, my life will not end because of it. Facing every difficulty with strength is my motto. I hope everyone can support me, cast a vote for me, and let my story inspire more people!"

Shelter:Pet With You
Age:1 year old
Personality:Food-loving, affectionate, loves people, cats, dogs, and all creatures

A Turn of Fate: Tiger's Miracle and Rebirth after a Car Accident
One evening last May, Tiger (formerly named Ah Wang) was found by a kind-hearted person at the entrance of a village in Sheung Shui, Hong Kong. It was believed that he was an unfortunate stray cat that had been hit by a car. At that time, he was lying in a pool of blood, bleeding continuously from his head and neck area, shivering all over, but still trying to stand up. The kind-hearted person immediately took him to the hospital and contacted the animal welfare organization " Pet With You " to handle the situation.

That night, the hospital informed the volunteers that Tiger's condition was not optimistic. He had a low body temperature, uneven pupil dilation in both eyes, misaligned lower jaw, and there was a possibility of brain concussion or internal bleeding from the trauma.

However, Tiger demonstrated a strong will to live. After several surgeries, he gradually regained strength in his weakened body, was able to eat and use the litter box on his own, and even called out to the caregivers and volunteers looking after him. Tiger stayed in the hospital for a month, and his condition improved significantly. He was then moved to a foster home to recuperate.

Although Tiger lost sight in his right eye and had to use various eye drops every day and attend regular check-ups for the following months, the former stray cat was fearless, seemingly aware that everyone around him was helping him. He got along well with the pets in the foster home and was loved by everyone.

The once blood-soaked Tiger overcame adversity with his strong determination. His thin body gradually became rounder, and though he occasionally showed a bit of temper, he would quickly make amends. The affectionate Tiger loves to help those around him by "grooming" them. He is friendly with people, other cats, and dogs. Tiger has now been adopted by his foster family and has become a beloved member of the household!

Vote for me:
Hello, everyone, I am Tiger, a cat with strong vitality and the ability to overcome great challenges.

My story is a fortunate one. I was once a skinny, weak, struggling little fellow, but now I have a small belly and love my human siblings. Having been a stray cat, I know that there are many other companions out there who need help.

I hope my story can make everyone understand that even a small step taken by each person can potentially change a furry friend's life. While there was a driver who hit me and left me behind, there were also kind-hearted people who stopped, took me to the hospital, and many others who provided me with medical assistance. Thank you all for reaching out and giving me a chance to grasp the hand of fortune, allowing me to have a happy cat life now.

Guardian of Love: Pat's Rescue and Foster Journey
Ten years ago, Pat adopted her first cat, sparking a strong interest in volunteer work. To help cats in need, Pat joined the ranks of cat foster homes and began volunteering to catch stray cats. Currently, Pat is fostering 6 cats, 2 kittens, and an amputated kitten at home. At the busiest times, she has cared for over 30 cats, including her own (she currently has 11 of her own).

Pat specializes in taking in stray cats that no one else wants to adopt. She has learned to communicate with cats, create wheelchairs for amputated cats, change bandages, and even carry kittens around while working, feeding them on the go. Under Pat's careful care, the kittens gradually recover and grow strong. Full of love, Pat tirelessly takes care of these cats, becoming a model cat volunteer angel in my eyes.

Pat's motivation for helping stray cats stems from her love for them. I first met Pat when I adopted one of the cats she was fostering. I wanted to donate some money to help her care for the cats, but Pat insisted on not taking a penny. She quietly does good deeds without seeking attention, paying for the best private doctors to care for the cats out of her own pocket.

However, good times didn't last. Soon after I adopted my first adult cat, Gua Gua, from Pat, it was diagnosed with kidney disease. During my relentless care for Gua Gua, Pat stepped in without hesitation, helping me care for Gua Gua in its final moments. Pat's selfless dedication and deep love for cats allowed me to feel everything she has done for these helpless little lives. She takes care of this group of cats that need love without expecting any return, only to give them a happy life.

In this seemingly cold world, Pat's actions show us love and warmth. It's because of people like her that these stray cats can find the warmth of a home.

Vote for me:
Please vote for the Angel Pat, who is undoubtedly the best cat volunteer angel, giving her money, energy, and love. I've known Pat for five years, and we still keep in touch. Whenever my cat is unwell, she goes out of her way to help me understand how to care for it by consulting the doctor, and even helps me schedule appointments with veterinarians she knows when I can't. Over the past five years, I have been sincerely grateful for her countless assistance.

One of my dreams is to be inspired by Pat's actions and hope that one day I can become an outstanding, versatile cat volunteer just like her.

Shelter:Rescued from a heartless breeding farm in Fung Kat Heung, Yuen Long. Treated and adopted by the SPCA
Age:7.5 years old
Personality:Timid, Foodie, Brings more joy than most people.

Growing Diary of the Voiceless Puppy: Gradually emerging from the darkness
In 2017, a family went through the most painful year of their lives. They lost two fetuses and were physically and emotionally exhausted. At the same time, in Yeung Uk Fung, Yuen Long, an unlicensed breeding farm was found to have 101 dogs. The unlicensed breeding farm was a chilling place where 101 dogs were trapped in small cages and lived in extremely harsh conditions. Their bodies were full of disease and pain, and some of them could not even stand. Those dogs, whose vocal cords had been cut, couldn't make a sound, and they couldn't even cry for help.

When the SPCA discovered this place, they were no longer mentally and physically healthy dogs but instead were exhausted, weak, and in pain. Somesome was one of the 101 dogs, and her physical condition was very poor at that time. She was on the verge of death. Her skin disease and malnutrition were also very severe, and she was emaciated and dehydrated, so much so that she couldn't even stand. During the treatment period with SPCA, Somesome, like other dogs, experienced great pain and suffering, and unfortunately, some dogs died. The fate of these dogs was heartbreaking, and they were forced to endure unimaginable pain and hardship.

At the end of March 2018, SPCA officially opened the adoption of these dogs. One day, a couple visited the Wan Chai SPCA centre to see different animals. When they saw Somesome, who was one of the 101 dogs, they learned about her tragic background. At that time, Somesome was the most frightened one among the dogs. She kept walking around, very panicked, and even the touch of humans would make her shrink and run away, looking very pitiful. Therefore, they decided to adopt Somesome.

When Somesome first arrived at her new home, she had severe anxiety and was afraid of anything new. She didn't know what was food, what was a toy, and she couldn't even eat apples or other meat products.

Under the guidance of a behavioral therapist at SPCA, Somesome's owner slowly introduced her to new things, starting from looking outside the bag to try to eat meat and play with toys. In this process, Somesome's therapist taught them to gradually let Somesome accept new things, make progress step by step, and that's where the name Somesome came from.

After a long period of effort, Somesome gradually accepted this new environment. Whenever there was food, Somesome's eyes would light up, and she would rotate through all the toys every day. Even though she couldn't bark due to the removal of her vocal cords, Somesome had learned to express her wishes through gestures and tapping her owner's leg. Their happy behavior brought more laughter to the family. Although she still feared going out, Somesome also enjoyed observing passers-by in a safe situation.

Somesome's name may represent every step of her gradual growth process, or it may represent every happy moment she brings to her owners. As her owners watched Somesome grow step by step, they gradually emerged from the pain of losing their fetuses and learned to live optimistically, realizing that as long as they don't give up, happiness will gradually come. Somesome's story helps people understand that adopting pets can bring happiness, and also hopes.

Vote for me:
Somesome: "I hope that every stray and rescued furry friend can find a loving mom and dad like mine did, and walk out of the darkness with laughter and happiness every day. The most important thing is to adopt, not shop, to reduce the demand and prevent more innocent animals from being harmed."

Shelter:Pet with You
Age:15 years old
Personality:Likes to be petted, especially under the chin, and responds with purring; when hungry, he will be very clingy and circle around the temporary foster parents’ legs until mealtime.

Abandoned due to illness, the strong vitality of One-Hsiu ignited hope
Ikkyu is now 15 years old, but nobody knows about his growth process except the heartless person who abandoned him.

One morning in February this year, a security guard at a residential estate in Tai Wai discovered a suspicious pet bag in a corner on the roadside. Upon investigation, he found a critically ill British Shorthair cat named Ikkyu, along with a note with simple information: Ikkyu, male, born in June 2008. There were also new cat kidney food and canned food in the bag, indicating that Ikkyu was likely suffering from kidney disease.

A kind-hearted person took Ikkyu home temporarily and found him very weak, with his whole body wet with urine. It is believed that he spent the whole night in the cold.

Eventually, Ikkyu was taken to a veterinarian by the volunteers of the Pet With You Team. At the time, Ikkyu's intestines had stopped moving due to not eating for a long time. He also suffered from severe diabetic ketoacidosis, as well as various complications such as pancreatitis, weakness in the hind legs, and vision problems. In addition, Ikkyu's other organs such as the heart and liver also had various hidden dangers, and the situation was extremely pessimistic.

However, Ikkyu did not give up. Although he was exhausted, he would try to respond to his name when softly called. After only 8 days in the hospital, Ikkyu showed his strong vitality, and his spirit and life indicators gradually improved. He could even eat on his own without relying on a nasal feeding tube. Although he needs regular follow-up visits, daily insulin injections, and medication to control his condition, he was finally able to leave the hospital. Ikkyu is currently resting in a temporary foster home, where he can once again feel human love and the feeling of home under the care of his temporary foster parents.

Vote for me:
Hello, everyone, I am Ikkyu. I hope to remind all pet owners through this competition and my own experience that pets are family members, not toys or decorations. We will also grow old and may have various illnesses, but please do not choose to abandon us. You are our only hope.

Don't worry, I have survived the dangerous period, and my condition is gradually stabilizing! I hope you can bless me to find a peaceful home and spend the rest of my days together. At the same time, I also hope to ask everyone to cheer on my temporary foster family, who work hard every day to take care of me! It's not easy to feed me medicine and injections every day, and you know that old cats can be temperamental. Thank you for your warm arms, which make me feel warm again.

Concept of "Home" in Founding Home for Homeless Dog
Since childhood, April has been influenced by her family's love for animals, and has long-term experience in feeding stray animals and volunteering for animal welfare. She has always regarded them as family members, but due to her work, she couldn't devote her full attention to them. After witnessing a series of stray dogs being poisoned on a mountain, April was determined to establish " Home for Homeless Dog." She quit her job, sold her property to build a dog shelter, and wholeheartedly took care of the stray dogs, carefully selecting suitable adopters for them. April hopes to provide them with a safe and secure home for life, free from threats and harm. From 2019 to 2022, April and her volunteers have rescued nearly 400 animals, with about 80% successfully finding new owners. In addition to rescuing animals, April also emphasizes life education. She believes that promoting animal welfare concepts and educating the next generation are the keys to alleviating the situation of stray animals in Hong Kong.

In an interview, April stated, "Currently, many people still do not take the issues of sterilization and release seriously, resulting in dogs maintaining high birth rates. Overburdened owners choose to abandon or neglect them without proper sterilization, creating a vicious cycle. However, the adoption rate cannot keep up with the birth and abandonment rates, causing animal organizations to be constantly over capacity. I believe that the current situation where pet owners can easily abandon their pets is unhealthy, and there should be more deterrent provisions and penalties for abandonment."

April tirelessly takes care of the furry children regardless of their age, weakness, or disability, with the hope of providing them a happy and comfortable home. She is determined to protect them till the end.

Vote for me:
I regard the strays as my family, and I am devoted to the animal welfare industry, contributing to my family (animals and stray animals), rescuing them from harsh environments, and witnessing their health and mental state improve. From being homeless to being loved by their adoptive families, I believe this brings me the greatest happiness, no matter how difficult the journey may be. I am also glad to meet many like-minded people, who let me know that I am not alone on this path, but instead surrounded by love and warmth. While voting in the election, please don't forget to pay attention to the welfare of stray animals! Thank you.

Origin:Abandoned dog
Age:1 year old
Personality:Interactive with people, likes to play with dogs.

"Pearl's Journey: From Abandoned to Beloved"
The story of Pearl may not be a heart-stopping tale, but it is one filled with warmth and love. Originally named Wangcai, Pearl was abandoned in June 2022 when her owner heartlessly declared, "Either take her away or leave her on the mountain!" This memory still lingers in Pearl's mind, but fortunately, she met a kind-hearted volunteer who renamed her Pearl, symbolizing the love and care she deserves. From that moment on, Pearl's fate started to change.

At first, Pearl was afraid of humans and didn't know how to get along with other dogs. But thanks to the patient guidance and care of her volunteer, Pearl gradually learned to socialize and became a polite, friendly, and intelligent ambassador of love. Her innocent smile and childlike heart have touched everyone who has met her.

Pearl's story reminds us that every fur baby is unique and worthy of love and attention. No matter how unfortunate their circumstances, as long as someone is willing to extend a helping hand, their fate can be changed for the better. Pearl also reminds us not to judge animals by their appearance or stereotypes. Every animal has their own unique personality and traits, and only by taking the time to understand them can we truly appreciate their loveliness and charm.

Pearl's story is also an inspiring one. From a scared and abandoned pup, she grew into a caring and well-mannered ambassador of love, thanks to the volunteer's patience and care. This tells us that with heartfelt effort, attention, and care, every life has the potential to change for the better and become a beautiful presence, making this world a better place.

Vote for me:
Pearl: "Dogs will love and support you unconditionally, regardless of your wealth or poverty. We promise to walk with you through every journey in life, providing you with support and encouragement."

Shelter:Cat Society Hong Kong
Age:1 year old
Personality:Kind, Tenacious, Good-natured

A Moment of Redemption: Xavier's Struggle for Survival
“Gasp...gasp...gasp” Severely injured, Xavier painfully and laboriously crawled to the doorstep of a house, desperately seeking help from humans. At that critical moment between life and death, Xavier was saved. When he was found, he was barely alive, with multiple wounds on his body, indicating he had been bitten and tormented by a dog. We don't know how he escaped the ordeal, but thankfully, a kind-hearted person brought him in just in time.

A few hours after being admitted to the hospital, a caring male nurse stayed by his side, and we named the little guy after him - Xavier. The doctor said Xavier's condition was critical, with external and internal injuries, a fractured spine, paralysis in the lower body, and severe dehydration. All we could do was to give him painkillers and fluids to make him comfortable. If he was willing to fight, we would support him wholeheartedly; otherwise, at least we would be his final refuge. As everyone began to lose hope, the resilient Xavier showed us the miracle of life.

After surgery, Xavier miraculously survived. During his stay at the hospital, his spirits gradually improved. Initially thought to be irreparable, his fractured spine began to heal, and his hind legs slowly regained strength. However, Xavier still couldn't defecate or urinate on his own and required daily assistance from volunteers. Not long ago, Xavier returned to the cat shelter to continue his recovery and will need follow-up visits every couple of months to monitor his progress.

Over the years, the cat shelter has saved many cats who were bitten by dogs. Some have passed away, while others have survived with severe injuries. Their wounds don't seem to have been caused by stray dogs but rather by dogs let loose by their owners to chase cats, perhaps to boast about their conquests. We are grateful that Xavier never gave up; despite the long road to recovery, we will stand by him every step of the way. If you would also like to accompany Xavier on this journey, we welcome you to become his foster parent.

Vote for me:
Though I was once bitten by a dog, I never gave up hope in life and trust in humans. I am grateful to the humans who saved me! In fact, many of my fellow stray animals have suffered a similar fate, having been bitten by dogs as well. To prevent such tragedies from happening again, we ask dog owners not to let their dogs harm other lives, and for witnesses to bravely step forward and stop these acts. Life and death hang in the balance, all in a single thought.

Grandpa's Final Gift?
In 2018, Yiu's grandfather, who had taken care of her since childhood, passed away. Yiu dealt with all the funeral arrangements by herself, and although she had always been independent and strong, she too had her breaking point. From that day on, she couldn't bear to hear her grandfather's name or the sound of a metal coffin, as it would trigger her emotions. She lamented that no matter how good a person was to others in their lifetime or how much they supported their family, they might not have their loved ones by their side when they pass away. Instead, they are placed in a cold, metal coffin, much like throwing away trash.

Exactly seven days after her grandfather's passing, Yiu, who was wandering the streets unwilling to return home, was attracted by a child's cry. It turned out to be a two-month-old kitten calling out to her. It seemed like a gift from her grandfather, as if the kitten was meant to take his place in her heart.

Yiu has always been someone who keeps her problems to herself and solves them on her own. The kitten did not disappoint her grandfather's expectations, and Yiu devoted a lot of time and effort to raising it. The kitten also brought a total of 12 cats (all of which are now neutered) into Yiu's care. Among the 12, only one has passed away, and the other members of the cat family are now 5-8 years old. In the past, Yiu thought she only needed to provide good food for them, but later she learned about pet first aid, building cat houses, massage, cleaning and grooming, and nutrition.

As time went by, proper care turned the weak stray cats into strong, muscular adults. Long-term heartfelt communication unexpectedly taught one of the cats to express its thoughts in Cantonese. It can say phrases like "hurry up," "enough," "I'm full," "let's go," "there's nothing left," "what?!" and so on (with recorded evidence).

Vote for me:
To me, cats are gifts of fate, as well as my therapists and fitness trainers. Taking care of stray cats has also given me a strong physique because I often have to carry heavy food and medicine, always ready to help cats in need. Feeding and cleaning also involve a lot of climbing and squatting. I made a silent promise to myself that "no matter how my living environment changes, I will give them the best living conditions" and managed to pull through the economic downturn brought on by COVID-19 for three years.

Kakato is one of their favorite brands, especially the salmon broth. Kakato also accepts independent individuals to participate in this competition, and I saw this opportunity as a way to give back to the stray cats, so I signed up. I am a stray cat caregiver who has never asked anyone for donations of food or money, nor have I ever revealed any information on social media that would expose the hiding places of the strays. I will not reveal such information in the future. If I win this competition, I will share my winnings with the community strays. I believe that, besides me, my stray cats would also be happy to take care of other strays. Since one person's power is limited, I am more willing to donate and share. Thank you.

From:Pet Supplies Store in Yuen Long
Age:12 years old
Personality:Actively approaching people, loves to patrol the streets and greet customers at other shops.

Charming Cat Unites the Community in Yuen Long
On the bustling On Sum Street in Yuen Long, there is a pet supply store where the legendary figure of On Sum Street resides - Wonton. Wonton is a 12-year-old cat with bright and alert eyes and a signature smokey eye makeup. He always wears fashionable and trendy pet clothing, sometimes in bikinis and other times in Hip Pop clothing, becoming the fashion pioneer of Yuen Long's streets. Wonton's reputation does not come from his fashion sense, but from his unparalleled social skills. He shuttles between the streets and alleys every day, visiting every household, and lying on the roadside, wagging his tail, and making soulful calls to greet the neighbors. Under his hospitality, neighbors become his fans, and some even come from other districts to visit this humorous Mr. Cat.

However, in Wonton's fourth year, an unexpected event happened. One day, Wonton went out for a stroll as usual, but he did not return home that afternoon. The store owner and neighbors began to search for Wonton nearby but to no avail. Later, the CCTV footage from nearby shops revealed the truth: Wonton was taken away by a stranger. After the news spread, the entire community became anxious. Neighbors came out to help, spreading information about the missing cat, and even called the police for assistance. With everyone's joint efforts, Wonton was finally returned to the street on the sixth night. From then on, Wonton became a small celebrity cat manager in Yuen Long. Many neighbors said that Wonton has a magical power that can bring positive energy to people.

Although Wonton's story is ordinary, it highlights how he brings the community together. A cat can actually make neighbors unite and overcome difficulties together. This is undoubtedly Wonton's greatest contribution to the community!

Vote for me:
Hello everyone! I am Wonton! I hope my existence can bring more joy to everyone. Recently, something unpleasant happened in the store, which made me realize that besides making everyone happy, I also have another mission, which is to educate everyone to love and respect animals. Whether we are cats, dogs, or other animals, we all deserve to be loved and respected. I, Wonton, will always guard On Sum Street and continue to serve the neighbors in Yuen Long. I will use my enthusiasm and love to infect everyone, making this community a better place!

Fung Establishes "The Strays' Final Journey" to Offer a Last Farewell to Deceased Animals
Growing up with the company of dogs, Fung, a rough-looking man, has always wanted to help stray animals. However, due to limited space and resources at home, he was unable to provide assistance.

Two years ago, Fung, who has two dogs at home, was driving along San Tin Highway when he came across a dog that had been hit and killed by a car. To prevent the deceased dog from being further run over by vehicles, he carried its body away and contacted an animal volunteer organization to handle the remains.

Two days later, he discovered another dead cat on Yuen Long Highway and realized that stray cats and dogs in Hong Kong were often killed by careless drivers. As a result, he immediately joined the volunteer organization to help transport the strays who had been involved in unfortunate traffic accidents.

In January 2021, he founded "Protect the Strays" teaming up with compassionate volunteers to ensure that even if the deceased strays did not receive love and care during their lifetime, they could still have a dignified final journey.

Fung and his volunteers are on call 24/7. Whether it's day or night, whenever they receive a call for help, they immediately set out to pick up the deceased cats and dogs. They clean the bodies with wet wipes and bleach water, reassemble the limbs to their original shape, and even sew them up with needle and thread before sending them to a pet cremation company.

Fung does not accept any donations, but he welcomes the donation of supplies. He uses his limited power to offer the last farewell to stray animals.

Vote for me:
Even if they were not loved in their lifetime, someone will be there for them after they pass away. I hope more people will pay attention to the rights and welfare of stray cats and dogs and drive more responsibly. I look forward to the day when "The Strays' Final Journey" no longer needs to pick up cats and dogs on the road, and every cat and dog is loved and cherished.

Shelter:Hope House Org.
Age:9 years old
Personality:Kind, able to befriend many dogs and children; calm, curious, and brave to try new things.

Hani's Heartfelt Journey: From Abandoned Pup to Life-Changing Therapy Dog
Hani is a special dog whose kindness has impacted countless lives of people and animals. Like many stray dogs, Hani was abandoned by her owners three times and experienced much hardship and loneliness. However, when a caring nurse adopted her, Hani finally felt the warmth of a family.

From that moment on, Hani began a new life as an animal-assisted therapy dog, carrying love and a sense of mission to help those in need. Whenever her owner took Hani to participate in service activities, she would happily put on her uniform, ready to start her work. She not only brought joy and pleasure to people but also gave them strength and support, enabling them to overcome their difficulties and stand up again. Some children, who lost trust in people and relationships due to various challenges in their lives, began to open their hearts and learn to build trust and connections with animals through interacting with Hani.

Hani is like a little ambassador, encouraging and inspiring people to care for animals and those around them. Hani's story tells us that every life is worth paying attention to and respecting. Even in the most challenging times, we can empower each other through mutual support and love, making each other stronger and more resilient. So, let us emulate Hani's beliefs and become better people, caring for those around us, including animals.

Vote for me:
My motto is "a life affecting a life." Even though we are animals, we can still contribute to human society and help those in need. Moreover, I hope that more people will consider adopting us and providing us with a warm home. As long as you treat us with love, like you would your family members, and accompany us through every stage of our lives - from birth to old age, from sickness to death - we will definitely feel your dedication and care.

Shelter:Tai O Stray Cat Home
Age:12 years old
Personality:Cute, Ambassador of Friendship

"From Lonely Cat to Cat Community Leader: Fat Ball's Amazing Transformation!"
One day in September 2019, Tai O Stray Cat Home received a call for help from the Housing Authority staff and adopted a ten-year-old domestic cat named "Fat Ball." Fat Ball was once the faithful companion of a solitary elderly person, who unfortunately passed away, leaving Fat Ball alone in the empty unit for six months. At that time, the elderly person's friends and relatives did not adopt Fat Ball and could only provide food and water for him once a week. Eventually, the Housing Authority needed to take back the unit, and luckily, Tai O Stray Cat Home successfully adopted Fat Ball.

Long-term loneliness made Fat Ball's personality quirky and highly guarded towards strangers, and he would often attack people as a unique and fierce cat. However, in the cat community, Fat Ball showed a different side. In the cat community, Fat Ball played a crucial role, becoming the leader and taking care of other cats. He would enthusiastically welcome new members and take on the role of a big brother. Fat Ball's importance was not only reflected in his leadership position, but he was also a pillar of support for other cats. Once, two cats with a deep bond with Fat Ball were adopted but could not adapt to their new family's life due to missing Fat Ball, refusing to eat or drink. When we brought these two cats back to the cat community, they immediately rushed to find Fat Ball and showed their love by rubbing their heads together. This scene made us deeply realize how strong the emotional bond between cats can be.

Fat Ball is a special guardian angel of Tai O Stray Cat Home, bringing more love and care to stray cats. His presence makes the cat community more harmonious and lets other cats feel the warmth of a home.

Vote for me:
I am honored to be known as the special guardian angel of Tai O Stray Cat Home, and I will continue to work hard to bring more love and care to stray cats! I hope everyone can vote and support me!

Shelter:Maison de Charlotte pour des Chats et des Chiens (MCCC) Animal Shelter
Age:2 years old
Personality:Star is a brave cat who trusts humans and other cats. He enjoys being close to people and being petted. When he first arrived at the The MCCC Animal Shelter, Star may have shown a little bit of wariness due to unfamiliar surroundings, but he quickly adapted to the new environment. He’s not very interested in cat toys and displays a calm demeanor. However, every mealtime, Star always stares at the volunteers with a determined look, eagerly anticipating a delicious feast.

Love without barriers: Star's struggle and new life as a three-legged cat
Last year's Christmas, the weather was cold. A kind resident found the huddled Star in a corner of the garbage station. At the time, Star was very weak and frightened, and his left front leg was seriously injured. The good Samaritan immediately contacted the MCCC Animal Shelter for help.

After a veterinary examination, it was discovered that Star's left front leg was completely broken, and the wound was very severe. To avoid infection, the veterinarian decided to perform an amputation surgery for Star. Although his body had no contagious diseases, he was malnourished and around two years old, indicating that he had already experienced a long life of wandering. After his left front leg was injured, life became even more difficult, and he was lucky to be discovered by someone at the garbage station when he was exhausted.

After the surgery, Star returned to the MCCC Animal Shelter for recovery. Although he lost a leg, he found a new home and made many friends here. He is now very friendly and has established friendships with other cats. Most importantly, he now has regularly timed and portioned delicious food every day and no longer has to live a difficult life like before.

Vote for me:
"Thank you so much to everyone who noticed me at the garbage station, saved me, and took care of me. Your love and support have rewritten my life. Although I'm now a three-legged cat, I believe I will quickly adapt and integrate into the MCCC Animal Shelters’ big family. I hope everyone will vote for me and prove that disabled furry friends are equally worthy of love and care."

Shelter:Maison de Charlotte pour des Chats et des Chiens (MCCC) Animal Shelter
Age:7 years old
Personality:Affectionate, well-behaved, and always wearing a sweet smile. Though she loves to eat, when other dogs are surrounding food, she always sits quietly on the side, waiting for her share without fighting for it. She never shows any bad temper.

Swing Nose Sister's Miraculous Recovery Journey
In the summer of 2018, MCCC Animal Shelter received a call for help about a stray dog with severe facial injuries, and they named her Swing Nose Sister. At that time, her nose and mouth had been eaten away by flies and maggots, leaving her face bloody and mangled, and she was also suffering from babesiosis and heartworm. Charlotte knew Swing Nose Sister needed urgent care, so she and other volunteers captured her and sent her to the clinic for treatment.

Many people suggested that Charlotte give up on treating Swing Nose Sister because her injuries were too severe. However, Charlotte saw her silly smile and knew that she was a strong life, eager to survive and grateful for human help. Therefore, Charlotte endured various pressures to help Swing Nose Sister, provided the most suitable treatment for her, and even arranged skin graft surgery to repair her extensive facial wounds. Despite the immense pain Swing Nose Sister experienced during treatment, she always maintained a well-behaved attitude and never lost her temper.

Five years have passed, and Swing Nose Sister has gone through a difficult recovery journey, but now she has fully recovered and is in excellent health. She has become a caring big sister, getting along very well with both people and dogs. People are deeply moved when they see Swing Nose Sister's sweet smile, which is the most beautiful part of her life story.

Vote for me:
Swing Nose Sister: "Although my appearance is different from other dogs, and some people might be scared of me at first glance, some even say I look like an Iron Blood Warrior~ But now I'm really happy every day, so I always wear a smile, hoping that people won't be so scared of me when they see me smiling~ Please support me, the reconstructed dog Swing Nose Sister, by voting for me as a dog model to prove that appearance doesn't matter for dogs. By the way, what is a Predator?"

Expats Return to Hong Kong and Move to Tai O, Beginning a Wonderful Relationship with an AIDS-infected Cat "Mickey"
Hiyuki has been raising cats on his own since college. After living in the United States, he returned to Hong Kong with his cat, who had accompanied him for 18 years. He became more familiar with feline habits, and since the cat's departure, he had given up on the idea of keeping pets in Hong Kong. However, after six years without pets, he fostered an AIDS-infected cat named "Mickey" in Tai O and began to reacquaint himself with living with cats.

The amazing fate began a year before the fostering when Typhoon Mangkhut hit Hong Kong. Catwoman saw Mickey, a fat cat, in danger and asked Hiyuki to foster him for two days. At that time, Hiyuki saw a cat with flattened fur, dirty and disheveled, and fat and sluggish. His obsessive-compulsive nature contrasted sharply with Mickey. As there were three other kittens taking shelter at the time, he placed Mickey in a separate warehouse - the bathroom. After a night of gentle grooming, Mickey freely walked around the house and even followed Hiyuki's father like a personal ointment. Mickey had a solitary, chubby uncle personality with a touch of the underworld, not interacting with other cats but very friendly to humans. After Typhoon Mangkhut, Mickey was taken back to the streets by Catwoman and volunteers, continuing his life as a roaming, unowned cat. However, a year later, Mickey contracted feline AIDS due to fighting, with a bleak outlook, suffering from a bloody nose and nearly two months of hospitalization. One day, Catwoman called Hiyuki and asked for his help. Hiyuki immediately agreed and took Mickey to his home to foster.

Living Together with an AIDS-Infected Cat Inspires the Establishment of Tai O's "AIDS Cat House"
When Mickey returned to Hiyuki's home, he appeared emaciated and weak, still having the personality of an underworld boss but showing a "past his prime" vibe. As always, he followed Hiyuki's father like a sugar-coated bean, and Hiyuki described his home as becoming a nursing home. Reacquainting himself with living with cats wasn't difficult for Hiyuki; he thought it only required changing some habits, such as feeding and cleaning, and reducing time spent away overnight. However, it felt like having a child waiting at home, and he was always worried. After two months of fostering at Hiyuki's home, Mickey transformed back into a "cute house cat" resembling a chubby underworld boss. Unfortunately, after two years of brief interaction with Mickey, the fat cat passed away due to long-term kidney problems.

Looking back on Mickey's 14-year life, he went from being a wild cat on a rock wall to a pet in Tai O, then abandoned to become a stray, and finally a beloved cat of Yong An Street. Due to fighting, he contracted feline AIDS and eventually passed away at Hiyuki's home. Mickey's fate of being loved and abandoned deeply touched Hiyuki, making him realize that "having a home makes a cat child a treasure," and because of Mickey, Hiyuki discovered that feline AIDS isn't scary. It only causes cats to lose their immunity and can be transmitted to other cats through blood or mating, but it doesn't affect humans. As a result, he began to temporarily take in some AIDS-infected cats and founded the "AIDS Cat House" on this basis. Now, his home has become a sanctuary for AIDS-infected cats, currently fostering two cats named Zhi Zhi and Ah Wang.

Vote for me:
Let's all cheer for Tai O's "AIDS Cat House" together! Most importantly, we hope that everyone will refrain from buying pets or abandoning them. Instead, try to help stray animals by adopting, fostering, or providing assistance, giving them a home.

Shelter:Love Cats Everyday
Age:5 months
Personality:Enjoys being around people

A Cat Who Walked Back From the Edge of Life and Death
Mao Mao is a little cat from the Love Cats Everyday shelter. When Mao Mao was only one month old, he was rescued by volunteers, but his health condition was extremely poor. He had a cold and diarrhea and was on the verge of death. However, the volunteers did not give up on him and took care of him with all their hearts, and eventually, Mao Mao pulled through and gradually regained his health.

Unfortunately, happiness did not last long. Last Christmas, Mao Mao was unfortunate enough to contract feline panleukopenia, a serious feline disease with a mortality rate of over 90% for young cats. Even with treatment at the hospital, many cats still did not survive. Mao Mao's situation was also very critical and required full-on medical care. With the relentless efforts of the doctors and volunteers, Mao Mao miraculously survived and became one of the lucky few who defeated feline panleukopenia.

Now, Mao Mao has a happy family with a father, mother, and siblings to live with. Mao Mao knows that if it weren't for the love and effort of the volunteers and doctors, he might not be alive today. Therefore, he hopes to continue to speak up for stray cats and dogs, calling on everyone to support adoption and not abandon pets, so that more fur babies can have a happy and fulfilling life.

Vote for me:
Hello, my name is Mao Mao. I was originally a stray kitten, but fortunately, the volunteers saved me and changed my life! I hope everyone can support me and vote for me! Support adoption, don't abandon pets!

Shelter:“Animal Volunteer” formerly “Ping Sister Cat and Dog House”
Age:5 years old
Personality:Friendly, innocent, empathetic, approachable, and enjoys interacting with people

Spotty's Growth Story: From a Stray in a Garbage Dump to a Therapy Dog
In August 2018, heavy rain caused flooding in the cat and dog shelter located in the disaster-stricken area, reaching chest-level. I helped bring two puppies home to take care of them, and Spotty was one of them.

Originally a stray in the Yuen Long garbage station, Spotty was rescued by kind-hearted people and brought to the cat and dog shelter. With a friendly temperament, Spotty started learning to follow commands during her foster care at my home. Later, Spotty began participating in church activities and was then invited by special schools, allowing her to accompany students with severe intellectual disabilities weekly. By feeding Spotty snacks, the students' learning interest and small muscle stretching exercises were enhanced. Additionally, some out-of-school teenagers who love animals came to help take care of Spotty and accompanied her to school services, gradually changing and regaining confidence in their studies.

In 2020, Pastor Chan Lai-ha from the church adopted Spotty. Thanks to Spotty, the pastor began to exercise more, traveling to different parts of Hong Kong and Kowloon, making many dog friends and meeting their enthusiastic and friendly owners on the streets. Spotty broadened the pastor's understanding of animals and expanded her social circle. In addition to gaining a home and a happier life, Spotty became very popular as she met more friends with the pastor, winning the hearts of many and helping even more people.

Spotty transformed from a pitiful stray dog scavenging in a garbage dump to a well-loved therapy dog that helps people. With a loving owner taking her out every day to meet new friends and assist the vulnerable, Spotty's story can inspire those who dislike themselves, feel disheartened, or are spiritually lost.

Vote for me:
Although my body is dark, I have bright eyes and a unique coat with a mix of white and black spots, making me stand out! Often, humans only see our weaknesses as animals and feel sorry for us. I want to tell everyone that whether we are humans or animals, as long as we believe in the uniqueness of each individual and know that someone accepts us, there's no need to be disheartened or discouraged.

Stephanie's Diary of Redeeming Gut - The Story of Stephanie's Devotion to Stray Dogs
Stephanie and her friends discovered some stray dogs at a construction site, including a dog named Gut, who was very obedient and well-behaved due to her past experiences as a stray. One night, when Stephanie learned that Gut had a uterine mass, she quickly contacted various animal protection organizations to find a way to rescue her. Despite facing rejections, she never gave up and eventually succeeded in saving Gut.

However, Gut's condition was more severe than Stephanie had anticipated. She suffered from multiple diseases, including tick fever, a prolapsed uterus, and digestive system issues, requiring multiple surgeries and long-term observation and treatment. Feeling powerless, Stephanie questioned why she hadn't worked harder to earn more money to afford the expenses. Knowing that it would be a lengthy and costly process, she still decided to take on the responsibility because she loved Gut and was willing to do everything for her. Stephanie paid 50,000 dollars for the surgery and took Gut home.

Stephanie named the stray dog Gut because the Chinese character for "jie" represents luck, hoping that Gut would have a smooth and successful future. Although she hadn't yet decided whether to become Gut's owner, she wanted Gut to have a good life. Eventually, Gut recovered, but no one was willing to adopt her. Stephanie found a farm owner who was willing to take care of Gut, and Gut became a good companion for the workers, quickly adapting to her new life.

At the time, Stephanie was already fostering four stray puppies, but she couldn't bear to entrust their care to someone else. In the end, she decided to take on the responsibility herself. Including Gut, Stephanie adopted a total of five stray dogs. Stephanie underestimated the cost of caring for them, discovering that dog milk powder was both expensive and hard to find. The two puppies consumed a box of milk powder in about three days, costing around 400 dollars, with weekly food expenses nearing 1,000 dollars. To cover the costs, Stephanie sought help from her friends and thanked them for their support, ensuring the dogs received proper care and upbringing.

After solving the feeding issue, Stephanie had to address the housing situation. Living with her family, she needed their approval to keep the additional dogs. As expected, her family disagreed, and she quickly found a place and moved out. Thus, Stephanie, her five dogs, and another person officially began their life together as a family of seven.

As Stephanie shared her story, she recalled the puppies' early days, her face beaming with happiness. Although the puppies had destroyed three sofas within a year, she often said they were still incredibly adorable. Now they all slept peacefully on the sofa, a picture of bliss and contentment.

Vote for me:
If you see a stray dog, would you be willing to step forward, regardless of the cost, take them to a veterinary clinic, and give them a home? Stephanie is not a volunteer, just a pet owner, an ordinary person, but she has gone above and beyond to settle the stray dogs she encountered, not considering the cost. Due to story length limitations, not all details can be covered, but she not only saved one dog but also rescued two puppies and even educated construction site workers and parking lot attendants on how to interact with dogs in an equal and correct manner.

Origin:A stray dog from Hong Tung Village, Yuen Long
Age:1 year old
Personality:A friendly ambassador who loves to go out without eating, loves to laugh, loves cats, and has a clean freak tendency. She likes chicken and organ meat snacks.

The Appearance of Dandan: Some Lives Come to Heal You

In a small corner of Ngong Tau Kok Village, a little stray dog named Dandan found a new family and hope.

Dandan's destiny changed in April 2022, when a volunteer rescued her mother and discovered that she had four puppies, including Dandan. For her new owner, Dandan's appearance healed her mild depression.

In the past few years, her new owner has experienced some difficult times and unconsciously fell into an emotional black hole. Despite appearing cheerful in front of others, her heart has always sought comfort. It wasn't until she met Dandan that she realized she couldn't solve her problems alone and needed someone caring to help her.

At first, she resisted the company of a dog because of a childhood experience of being bitten by a dog that left a shadow on her heart. She also knew that the responsibility of raising a dog was significant, and how could she take care of Dandan and give her 100% love when she couldn't take care of herself? With the insistence and persuasion of friends, she finally decided to accept this challenge.

Fate brought her to Dandan's side. After seeing Dandan's photo, she decided to contact the temporary volunteer. Unexpectedly, this volunteer turned out to be her former colleague ten years ago, making her feel a strong sense of fate. When they met for the first time, Dandan, who was only three months old, immediately melted her heart.

As someone who had never raised a dog, she was very lucky. Dandan's adaptability was very strong, and she behaved very obediently at home. She never destroyed any furniture, nor did she bark randomly. Her learning ability was also very strong. Before adopting Dandan, she did psychological preparation, imagining various bad situations, but none of them happened in the end. She felt very grateful and lucky, and Dandan was a gift from heaven. Besides her, Dandan was luckier than other strays. Shortly after birth, Dandan was rescued, was healthy, and has always lived in an environment full of love. Dandan's arrival made her life more fulfilling, with no more time for wandering thoughts, and her soul was also healed. Dandan became her therapist, helping her to rediscover this world and becoming someone who listens unconditionally.

Regarding her and Dandan's story, it can be said that they were quite lucky and did not experience too much difficulty and hardship. At first, she thought she was just raising a pet, but later she found that Dandan had become an indispensable member of her family. Dandan made her experience simple and sincere love.

In these days of mutual companionship, she took care of Dandan physically, and Dandan redeemed her spiritually. She thanked Dandan for starting to love her even before she knew the world.

Vote for me:
Dandan: "I hope that in the future, society can achieve coexistence between humans and pets, respect animals because there are always some lives that come to heal you."

Origin:One of the litters born to a village mother cat
Age:10 months
Personality:Extremely timid, she always runs into the dark spaces behind the wardrobe or sofa when a stranger appears. She can sleep for more than ten hours in the safest wardrobe and only stretches lazily when a family member returns home. She loves to grab your feet when humans pass by, and won’t let go until she bites and nibbles on them.

From Fear to Trust: Single Loop and Her New Family
Single Loop's mother is a village cat that lives in a remote area. She gave birth to three kittens, including Single Loop. Living in the suburbs with lots of mosquitoes and bugs and with no regular meals, Single Loop and her sibling, a calico cat, were brought into the house. It took several hours to finally get Single Loop into the travel carrier, but during the journey back home, she was so uneasy that she repeatedly hit her head against the carrier's sides. After successfully transferring her to a large cage at home, the travel carrier was left with traces of blood.

At that time, Single Loop was very thin, had no flesh, and was covered in fleas. After being treated with flea medicine, the fleas were all over the place. For the first two weeks, Single Loop had to stay in the cage to adapt to the new environment. Her calico sibling, who had entered the house a week earlier, kept her company outside the cage. The reunion of the two sisters made it easier for Single Loop to adapt to the new environment. After two weeks, Single Loop finally came out of the cage, but she still only stayed in a hidden place under the cabinet. It is unclear what happened to her outside that made Single Loop extremely fearful of people. Even when she was no longer trapped in the cage, it was still difficult to see her. To lure her out, many cat toys were prepared, and every day someone would play with the toys alone in the room with Single Loop. If Single Loop was in a good mood, she would show up after 30 minutes. If not, it could take an hour or more for her to appear.

Fortunately, with the help of her calico sister who had already adapted to the new environment, Single Loop gradually became more trusting. After a few months, she began to let people touch her, sleep on the sofa, and started to meow at people. She began to integrate into the family's life. When a person crouches down to clean the litter box, Single Loop always likes to reach out from a high place and hit you on the head. This might be her way of expressing love. Every cat has a different personality and experience, but with love and patience, no matter how long it takes, they will become an important member of the family.

Vote for me:
"Whether it's a stray cat outside or a house cat inside, they all deserve love and care from their owners because every cat is unique. Each cat has a different personality and needs careful attention and patience from their owners. I hope all stray cats can find the most suitable family for themselves and live happily and healthily!"

Shelter:Cats in Hope
Age:3 years old
Personality:Loves canned food and cuddling with her owners

Pain and Trust: Ching Ching's Struggle in the Human World
Ching Ching comes from a garbage dump in a village in Yuen Long, where the villagers don't have a good impression of cats and have hurt Ching Ching and her family members multiple times. At that time, Ching Ching had just given birth to her kittens and was searching for food door-to-door in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, she entered a villager's house and was chased away with boiling water, which severely injured her. Despite the pain, she still took care of her three newborn kittens. Perhaps this is the greatness of a mother's love – not abandoning her children even in the face of pain.

It took the volunteers more than half a year to win Ching Ching's trust, during which they visited the garbage dump every day to bring her food, play with her, eat together, and chat. Finally, on Valentine's Day, they gained her trust and brought her to the Cats in Hope shelter.

The volunteers named her "Ching Ching," symbolizing their hope that after experiencing countless hardships and rejections during her stray life, she could still bring joy and happiness to others and herself like the sunny sky. When Ching Ching first arrived at the shelter, she was very well-behaved and a little shy, allowing volunteers to pet her without getting angry. However, every time they saw the scars on her body from the burns, their hearts ached. Ching Ching suffered cruel abuse during her time as a stray, but she still bravely chose to trust humans – a truly precious trust!

Vote for me:
Meow~ I am Ching Ching, an ordinary black and white female cat. However, my life as a stray has left an indelible mark on me. I did nothing wrong, yet humans poured boiling water on me, causing severe burns to my skin. Although I have been abused by humans, the scalding water did not wash away my trust in them. I was rescued by the volunteers of Cats in Hope and started a new life. I always believe that pain is temporary, and there are many kind people in this city! I hope my story can raise more awareness for stray animals! May the sky of strays be forever sunny like my name! Please vote for me (^з^).

Shelter:Big Tree Animal Sanctuary and Adoption Centre
Age:1.5 years old
Personality:Kind, friendly to people and dogs, loves taking care of puppies.

The Helping Hands of Volunteers: Three-Legged Dog Duo Duo's Journey to Overcoming Trauma
Duo Duo's story began when searching for the missing Ding Ding (a lost dog from Big Tree) and accidentally encountering her in a warehouse. When the volunteers saw Duo Duo's weak and emaciated body, her left forearm bleeding and her lower limb exposing bone and necrosis, their hearts ached with unbearable pain. Duo Duo must have endured the pain for a long time, and imagining her dark days brought tears to everyone's eyes. Despite her young age, Duo Duo showed understanding and obedience when the volunteers approached, without any struggle.

With the devoted care of the volunteers, Duo Duo was taken to the shelter and renamed "Duo Duo," implying abundance and preciousness, and that her difficult past was over, hoping she could live a blessed and long life. After undergoing emergency surgery, the doctor found that Duo Duo not only suffered from severe anemia and malnutrition but was also infested with a large number of lice. During the life-and-death surgery, Duo Duo experienced severe blood loss and needed multiple bags of plasma to sustain her life. In the end, the doctor had no choice but to amputate Duo Duo's limb to save her life. Fortunately, Duo Duo's wound was not invaded by flies; otherwise, the consequences would have been even more tragic.

Upon returning to the shelter after surgery, Duo Duo's first meal was the first time in her life she felt secure and warm while eating. Countless caring brothers and sisters encouraged her, filling her with courage on the road to recovery. Duo Duo's perseverance and struggle moved numerous people, and her story made us deeply understand the fragility and preciousness of life. Let us join hands and call for treating every life kindly, using love and care to influence the world.

Vote for me:
As a dog who has experienced trauma, I, Duo Duo, know the fragility and preciousness of life. When I needed help the most, it was the volunteers who reached out and gave me a new chance at life. I hope that my story can encourage more people to learn to treat any life kindly, allowing stray animals to feel warmth and care.

Charlotte’s Journey of Animal Rescue: From Giving Up High-Paying Job to Creating a Shelter for Furry Friends
Charlotte began her journey of rescuing furry friends in 1997. In her youth, she worked as a translator at the French Consulate, with a promising future ahead of her. However, for the sake of many helpless furry children, she decided to give up her high-paying job and establish a home that could shelter unadopted furry friends from the elements, allowing them to live happily, healthily, and fearlessly.

Charlotte firmly believes that life is priceless and more important than money, and that money should be used with value. She never makes hasty decisions to end a furry child's life and doesn't skimp on or delay medical expenses. When encountering injured or sick furry friends, she still insists on rescuing them and providing them with the most appropriate medical care. Charlotte once shared a story about having only 20 Hong Kong dollars left in her account after paying the medical bills for a furry friend, not even having enough money to take a bus home. "Influencing life with life" is a phrase Charlotte often uses, hoping to lead by example and spread messages about adoption, not abandonment, respect for life, and caring for animals to the public, thus creating a harmonious social environment for people and animals.

Vote for me:
Charlotte currently cares for about 300 furry friends, including elderly, sick, and abandoned animals. With a heart full of love for these creatures, she tirelessly devotes her time and energy to taking care of them day in and day out. The more love she gives, the more strength she has to rescue animals and change their fate.

Your vote can support Charlotte and become her strongest shield. Please cast your vote for Charlotte and let her know that she's not alone on this journey of animal rescue.