
“Eternal Love ● Lifelong Companions

Kakato® Premium Pet Food has a high priority over animal well-being, we provide a variety of human grade tinned pet food with a high percentage of meat content, flavouring and additives free. We hope that all furkids could “eat healthily and grow up happily”.

“Kakato” means delicious in New Zealand Maori language. Made with high-quality, natural, and human grade ingredients, Kakato® has grown up with many furkids since 2010, enchanting thousands of pets and their owners. Kakato® is also the first pet food brand to have received the “TOP Mark” recognition, the “Quality Label” certification from the Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre, and Halal certification for its additive-free cat and dog shared pet food. Its products are of high quality and suitable for both cats and dogs without any added ingredients.

Dr April Fong, the founder of Kakato®, has loved animals since childhood and spares no effort in supporting social welfare and environmental protection. She is dedicated to building a harmonious society for both pets and humans.

    • In 2012, “Kakato® Animal Bus” was launched to provide free rides for pets and their owners to enjoy weekend outings in the countryside;
    • In 2015, Kakato® sponsored the premiere of the charity microfilm “Caring for Animals, Respect for Life” in support of SPCA;
    • Since 2016, Kakato® collaborated with NPV to organize the “Charity Human-Dog Orienteering” event;
    • In 2016, “Kakato® Veterinary Scholarship” was established;
    • In 2017, Kakato® sponsored WWF “Run for the Future Charity Run” event;
    • Since 2017, Kakato® sponsored NPV Pet Mobile Medical Clinic;
    • In 2020, “Kakato® Animal Food Bank” was established to help stray animals, animal shelters and independent volunteers;
    • In 2021, Kakato® sponsored “The Gibbon’s Life in the Treetops” Exhibition organized by Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden;
    • In 2021, Kakato® sponsored “Blessing of Peace in All Four Seasons” Fundraising Campaign organized by Senior Citizen Home Safety Association;
    • In 2021, Kakato® donated to the “Upward Mobility Scholarship” to help financially disadvantaged secondary school students;
    • In 2022, “Kakato® Animal Furdel Awards” was established;
    • Since 2022, Kakato® sponsored “Hikeathon and Treasure Hunt” organized by Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden;
    • In 2023, Kakato® sponsored the “Leave a Message of Love” charity concert in support of  Fearless Love to promote the bonding between humans and pets through music;
    • In 2024, Kakato® sponsored Ironland Academy 30 performances of the “Respect Lives, Be Kind to Animals” educational stage play in kindergartens and primary schools;
    • In 2024, Kakato® host a “Respect Lives, Be Kind to Animals” singing competition for kindergartens and primary schools in Hong Kong.