
Grandpa's Final Gift?
In 2018, Yiu's grandfather, who had taken care of her since childhood, passed away. Yiu dealt with all the funeral arrangements by herself, and although she had always been independent and strong, she too had her breaking point. From that day on, she couldn't bear to hear her grandfather's name or the sound of a metal coffin, as it would trigger her emotions. She lamented that no matter how good a person was to others in their lifetime or how much they supported their family, they might not have their loved ones by their side when they pass away. Instead, they are placed in a cold, metal coffin, much like throwing away trash.

Exactly seven days after her grandfather's passing, Yiu, who was wandering the streets unwilling to return home, was attracted by a child's cry. It turned out to be a two-month-old kitten calling out to her. It seemed like a gift from her grandfather, as if the kitten was meant to take his place in her heart.

Yiu has always been someone who keeps her problems to herself and solves them on her own. The kitten did not disappoint her grandfather's expectations, and Yiu devoted a lot of time and effort to raising it. The kitten also brought a total of 12 cats (all of which are now neutered) into Yiu's care. Among the 12, only one has passed away, and the other members of the cat family are now 5-8 years old. In the past, Yiu thought she only needed to provide good food for them, but later she learned about pet first aid, building cat houses, massage, cleaning and grooming, and nutrition.

As time went by, proper care turned the weak stray cats into strong, muscular adults. Long-term heartfelt communication unexpectedly taught one of the cats to express its thoughts in Cantonese. It can say phrases like "hurry up," "enough," "I'm full," "let's go," "there's nothing left," "what?!" and so on (with recorded evidence).

Vote for me:
To me, cats are gifts of fate, as well as my therapists and fitness trainers. Taking care of stray cats has also given me a strong physique because I often have to carry heavy food and medicine, always ready to help cats in need. Feeding and cleaning also involve a lot of climbing and squatting. I made a silent promise to myself that "no matter how my living environment changes, I will give them the best living conditions" and managed to pull through the economic downturn brought on by COVID-19 for three years.

Kakato is one of their favorite brands, especially the salmon broth. Kakato also accepts independent individuals to participate in this competition, and I saw this opportunity as a way to give back to the stray cats, so I signed up. I am a stray cat caregiver who has never asked anyone for donations of food or money, nor have I ever revealed any information on social media that would expose the hiding places of the strays. I will not reveal such information in the future. If I win this competition, I will share my winnings with the community strays. I believe that, besides me, my stray cats would also be happy to take care of other strays. Since one person's power is limited, I am more willing to donate and share. Thank you.