Man Jai

Shelter:Home for homeless dog
Age:1 year old
Personality:Resilient, introverted, friendly, slow to warm up, attached to people, loves strolling, and has an incredible appetite

The Survivor: A Warrior of Life after a Car Accident
In October 2022, near Man Jai Crossing, a dog was suspected to have been tragically hit by a car and suffered severe injuries. In pain, he crawled to a nearby warehouse for help. When the workers arrived, they found him lying helplessly in a corner of the warehouse, covered in blood. Volunteers renamed the dog " Man Jai" and contacted several veterinary clinics, but no one was willing to treat him. A doctor examined him and suggested euthanasia, but he was eventually sent to the City University Animal Medical Centre at 3 AM that night, where it was confirmed that he had a fractured pelvis, displaced spine, multiple fractures, and ruptured testicles.

The next day, he was transferred to NPV, a non-profit veterinary clinic, for complex surgery. With the support and donations from kind-hearted people, Man Jai managed to survive the dangerous period. During his hospitalization, he underwent four major surgeries and was discharged a month later, embarking on the road to recovery. He was praised as the "strongest life warrior in the universe," and even the doctors marvelled at his miraculous recovery!

After receiving meticulous care, Man Jai’s recovery ability was astonishing. Now, he can control his bowel movements, walk and play normally, quickly adapt to family life, learn various commands, and regain his smile. Man Jai is undoubtedly a "survivor and a warrior of life after a car accident"!

Vote for me:
I am Man Jai. After surviving a severe car accident at Man Jai Crossing and undergoing four major surgeries, I miraculously survived. I hope my story can inspire everyone, and I hope you can vote for me as the "strongest life warrior in the universe"!