
Shelter:Hope House Org.
Age:9 years old
Personality:Kind, able to befriend many dogs and children; calm, curious, and brave to try new things.

Hani's Heartfelt Journey: From Abandoned Pup to Life-Changing Therapy Dog
Hani is a special dog whose kindness has impacted countless lives of people and animals. Like many stray dogs, Hani was abandoned by her owners three times and experienced much hardship and loneliness. However, when a caring nurse adopted her, Hani finally felt the warmth of a family.

From that moment on, Hani began a new life as an animal-assisted therapy dog, carrying love and a sense of mission to help those in need. Whenever her owner took Hani to participate in service activities, she would happily put on her uniform, ready to start her work. She not only brought joy and pleasure to people but also gave them strength and support, enabling them to overcome their difficulties and stand up again. Some children, who lost trust in people and relationships due to various challenges in their lives, began to open their hearts and learn to build trust and connections with animals through interacting with Hani.

Hani is like a little ambassador, encouraging and inspiring people to care for animals and those around them. Hani's story tells us that every life is worth paying attention to and respecting. Even in the most challenging times, we can empower each other through mutual support and love, making each other stronger and more resilient. So, let us emulate Hani's beliefs and become better people, caring for those around us, including animals.

Vote for me:
My motto is "a life affecting a life." Even though we are animals, we can still contribute to human society and help those in need. Moreover, I hope that more people will consider adopting us and providing us with a warm home. As long as you treat us with love, like you would your family members, and accompany us through every stage of our lives - from birth to old age, from sickness to death - we will definitely feel your dedication and care.